Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform in 2024? [PC, Xbox One, PS4 and PS5]

As a gamer, you must have come across several games in the gaming industry. Every game is built different and brings something unique to the plate. But you will have to agree that not all of them are worth your time. Some games are always better than others. The most prominent titles are the ones that last the longest in the industry. And one such game is UFC 4.

UFC 4 is the product of EA Sports. It is a mixed martial art fighting video game that is released in 2020. Despite being a fairly new title, it is quite popular among the players. If you have an interest in mixed martial arts, you will probably want to play this game.

UFC 4 is a console exclusive title, which is supported by both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It means the title is not available for PC gamers. In this post, we will talk about UFC 4 about cross-platform compatibility. Those of you who are doubtful about UFC 4 being a cross-platform game, may find your answers in the article below.

UFC 4: A Quick Introduction

UFC 4: A Quick Introduction

As already mentioned once, UFC 4 is a mixed martial art title developed and published by EA Sports Vancouver. It was released in 2020 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles. As of now, it is not available for PC gamers.

This is a console exclusive title, which can be played in both single-player and multiplayer modes. Upon its release, it has received good reviews from critics. However, some people are not satisfied with the graphics and claim that it has issues such as frame rate drop, clipping, and character models. Despite the negative comments, the game was praised by the critics.

As far as the gameplay is concerned, it is quite engaging. The developers have worked hard to make the game more realistic, exciting, and smooth to play. One of the most hyped features of this game is the Real Player Motion (RPM).

The game allows you to choose from 229 available players and participate in martial arts matches. It also has a mode called the “career mode”, where you will be made familiar with the basics of various forms of martial arts.

You are also given the option to accept or decline an opponent. But it should be remembered that your choice affects the development of your game character. Besides that, you can also select the arena where you want to fight.

Now that we have covered the basics of UFC 4, let’s move on to the more important details.

Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform in 2024? 

Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform?

No, UFC 4 is not a cross-platform game in 2024. In other words, you won’t be able to play it with your friend if you two are using different gaming consoles. Also, the game is not available for PC users. For now, it is only available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

EA Sports Vancouver wanted to release UFC 4 as a console-exclusive game and so they did. Developers can produce great games to generate enough income to fund new projects. But creating unique games like this has its benefits and drawbacks.

For example, if you have a smaller target audience, you automatically lose sales. In this case, UFC 4 is not a multi-platform game, and therefore, it cannot generate higher like other games.

When it comes to cross-platform titles, developers try to avoid developing for just one platform, so they can find buyers even when the title is not supported by other platforms yet. It becomes easier to sell a game with a more extensive player base.

Other disadvantages of cross-platform games are:

Cross-platform games are more prone to hackers. Many people perform hacks to gain infinite life and become invincible in the game. By doing so, they can win every round or the entire game without getting defeated. This can be problematic for cross-platform play.

One of the biggest cons would be the number of glitches and bugs within the game on both platforms. There have been many reports about UFC 4 having various issues. For instance, the game lags a lot, especially during fights. It also has issues with the character models.

Some gaming companies may put in the effort to fix it through patches. But others would simply ditch support for the game, which would lead to reduced sales.

Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform PC and Xbox One?

Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform PC and Xbox One?

Once again the answer is no. UFC 4 is not a cross-platform PC and Xbox One. To be more precise, cross-play between PC and Xbox One is just not possible. This means that a console user cannot play the game with a PC user.

There are two reasons:

  • UFC 4 is not available on the desktop.
  • It is not a cross-platform game. 

UFC 4 is a complete console exclusive game. It is not sure whether the developers will turn it into a cross-platform title.

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Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform PS5 and Xbox One?

Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform PS5 and Xbox One?

No, UFC is not cross-platform PS5 and Xbox One. Although this is a new title, it is not available on PlayStation 5. But it needs to be taken into account that PS5 is a brand new console which came out just last year. Right now it doesn’t have a lot of titles. It can be expected that the developers will release a PS5 version of this game. Currently, UFC 4 is only playable on Xbox One and PlayStation.

To break it down to you, a PS5 owner cannot play the game with an Xbox One owner. Plus, this game is not a cross-play. So even if it was available on PS5, you still wouldn’t be able to play it with someone using a different console. 

To play this game with your friend, he needs to have the same console as yours. 

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Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform PS4 and PS5?

Is UFC 4 Cross-Platform PS4 and PS5?

No, UFC 4 does not support having the cross-platform feature between PS4 and PS5. It is because of this reason PS4 and PS5 players won’t be able to play this game together. You can play only if both you and your friend own PS4 consoles. 

It can be annoying for PS5 players, but nothing much can be done unless the developers decide to release a patch to fix the existing bugs and include cross-platform functionality in the game. Just so you know there exists an application on for this very cause.

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1. What is a cross-platform game?

A cross-platform game can be played on various platforms. It is also known as multiplatform.

2. What type of game is UFC 4?

UFC 4 is a mixed martial art video game. It falls in the fighting genre and can be played both in single-player and multiplayer mode.

3. Can you play UFC 4 on PlayStation 5?

PlayStation 5 is backwards compatible, which means it supports all PlayStation 4 titles. Due to this feature, you can play UFC 4 on PS5 as well. However, they are yet to release a separate version for PS5.

4. Why is UFC 4 so popular?

UFC 4 is probably the most popular title in the franchise. Ever since it is included in the Xbox Game Pass, it has attracted a lot of new players. It is a mixed martial art game with multiple modes. You can play this title in both multiplayer and single-player modes. Plus, the gameplay is quite engaging.

5. What game modes are there in UFC 4?

Like the other games in the franchise, UFC 4 also has multiple game modes. This action-packed fighting game from EA has three game modes including Play Now mode, online mode, and Career mode. It also has multiplayer and single-player modes. The different game modes have different features. The purpose of these game modes is to make the gameplay more interesting.

6. Is UFC 4 available on PC?

UFC 4 is a console-based game, which means it is not available on PC. As of now, the developers have not released a PC version of the game.

7. What can you do in UFC 4?

There are a lot of things players can do in UFC 4. They can interact with fighters, promoters, and fans, to shape your career and reputation. Players can also pick up moves from sparring partners and shape their stories.

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To sum it up, UFC 4 is not a cross-platform game. The developers, EA Sports Vancouver specifically wanted to release UFC 4 as a console’s exclusive title. That’s because they wanted to focus on developing new games, instead of introducing them to multiple platforms.  

However, players are hoping for the developers to release a patch or update to include the cross-play feature in the game. They have also gone to the extent of releasing a petition on demanding EA Sports Vancouver to include the cross-platform feature between Xbox One and PS4. Only time will tell, whether EA Sports Vancouver grants the demands of gamers or not. Well, that’s all you needed to know about UFC 4 and its cross-platform compatibility. Hopefully, you found this article informative.