Robert Mueller took advantage of cellphone GPS so that he can track Trump associate

Robert Mueller has said that he was successful to locate the position of Trump Tower in New York City with the help of security company executive Erik Prince’s accurate location. It was done in the year 2017 which took several years by cellphone signal. The special counsel’s report announces the investigative technique with which they … Read more

How to Run High-End Games without Graphics Card?

How to Run High-End Games without Graphics Card

Graphics card is otherwise known as video cards or Graphics Processing Unit. Every computer makes use of a graphics card to render images, 3D animations, videos, and 2D images.  If you are into ardent gaming, then you cannot miss out on installing a graphics card on your computer. The main function which a graphics card … Read more

New Gaudi Artificial Intelligence training processor launched by Habana Labs

New Gaudi Artificial Intelligence training processor launched by Habana Labs

Habana Labs, which is a Tel Aviv based Artificial Intelligence startup has announced today that they will be releasing their Gaudi AI training processor. This will promise to simply beat all the systems which are GPU based on four factors. All the individual Gaudi chips are able to beat other GPUs because of their raw … Read more