You’ve invested a lot of time and money in producing your documents. But no matter how much you cherish them, they may not be worth keeping if you don’t have access to them from time to time. Fortunately, there’s now an easy way for you to export any of your PDF files so that you can access them from anywhere with the use of PDF Drive.
Although exporting your PDFs may seem like a straightforward process, there are many things you should keep in mind before doing it. For instance, one wrong move and it could mean losing all your irreplaceable notes forever. This is why we’re here to help you through the process of moving your PDFs to PDF Drive without any issues.
What is PDF Drive?
PDF Drive is a cloud storage service that lets you store your files online. It also lets you share, create, and collaborate with others on all of your files, including documents. Now, anyone with an internet connection can access files stored in your Drive.
You can also share files with specific people who are granted access to view them. If you’re looking to share your files with others, or create a team-based environment, Drive may be a good fit for you. It allows users to create online storage by storing files online. The service can be accessed via desktop platforms, Android, iOS, the web, and Chrome OS. The platform is free and accessible to anyone around the world.
It is also an open library where you can access online pdf. It is day free site that you can also use for business purposes. It is legal and can be a great alternative for a hard drive. Save your files online with PDF Drive!
How to move a PDF to PDF Drive
The process of moving pdf files to PDF Drive depends on the device that you are using. For Desktop and Laptop users you only need to follow the Drag and Drop process.
- Open your account on PDF Drive. This is the first step as you need an account on PDF Drive to be able to move it. Your account is exclusive to you also your files.
- Create a folder. Creating a folder for your files will help you keep your files organized and easy to access all the time.
- Drag your files to the folder you created. When you drag the pdf books into the folder the uploading process would start. Let it finish before exiting PDF Drive from your browser.
For those that are using the PDF Drive app, you only need to follow the steps of the Upload and View process.
- Open the PDF Drive Application on your phone. You need to have a pdf drive application on your device to be able to upload your PDF files.
- Tap the plus button or “Add” button. You’ll see this button on the lower right of your screen.
- Select “Upload”. There are other selections that you’ll see by clicking the Add button, make sure to pick the upload to upload files.
- Browse and Click the PDF Files. You’ll get redirected to the files that you have on your device. Click the PDFs that you’d like to upload.
- View Uploaded Files. After uploading check if the files are completely uploaded to your account.
Things to Remember When Exporting Your PDFs
Below are some things you should never forget before exporting your PDFs.
- Reduce the quality of your PDFs before exporting them. If necessary, resize the pages of your PDF file before exporting it to PDF Drive.
- Keep in mind that it may take a while before your PDF file is exported to PDF Drive. It’s not recommended that you export your PDFs when it’s too inconvenient to finish the process later.
- Before exporting your PDFs to PDF Drive, you’ll need to sign up for a PDF Drive account if you don’t have one already. Having an account is necessary as it is where you put your files and keep them safe from other users.
- If you’ve chosen to export a PDF with some annotations in it, it’s important that you select Include annotations when exporting the file. Otherwise, these annotations will be lost when the file is transferred to PDF Drive.
- When exporting your PDFs, make sure you select the correct file format. The PDF Drive application supports a handful of file formats out of the box, but if your document is in another format, it may not be properly imported.
- You can export multiple files at once. If you’ve got a lot of PDFs that you need to export, export them all at once rather than exporting each one individually.
Tips for Using PDF Drive
Having great cloud storage and search engine in one application is a rare possibility. This is why PDF Drive is here to serve you these services. Below are some tips on using PDF Drive.
- You can create a new folder inside the PDF Drive application and then move all of your exported files there. Doing this will allow you to categorize your files and keep them organized.
- It’s also a good idea to label your exported files inside the PDF Drive application so that you can easily identify them.
- If you’re exporting a lot of PDFs, consider using a cloud-based service such as PDF Drive. This will allow you to store your PDFs in the cloud and export them whenever you need to.
Taking your documents with you can be a hassle when you need to access them from a new place. With the help of PDF Drive, you can easily transfer your PDFs to the cloud and access them from any device. PDF Drive is a great cloud storage platform that allows you to easily store your documents in the cloud. If you’re looking to quickly send them to the cloud, exporting them to PDF Drive is a great option.
You can use PDF Drive to access and manage your PDFs. You can also keep track of changes and revisions to your documents, as well as collaborate with others and schedule/mark due dates on them. With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to easily export your PDFs to PDF Drive and access them from anywhere.
The services it can offer don’t end with cloud storage, it is also a search engine where you can search for the information you need. It has a free pdf which you can download free. Look no more and visit PDF Drive for more details!