Google Assistance with a new feature to help you automatically remember where you parked your car

Google Assistant is very powerful when it comes to its features. With the latest work from Google, things can get better day by day. Google Assistance is now reviving some of the handy features which remember where did you end up parking your car.

Some of the users have already noticed that they can see where exactly they have parked their vehicle in their phones. This new feature does not require any kind of interaction like the Google Maps feature.

The application basically tracks the user location and then locates where you might have left your car. The location cannot be pinpoint especially where the car is parked, but it gives a brief idea about the location. It is never possible to remember where you parked your car if you have too much in your mind. This is the reason an application like this will come in handy.

Google Assistance can recognize if you have saved your parking spot and also gather more information on the card. The Android Police has also said that it does not take up any kind of notes of Bluetooth or Android Auto so that it can locate the parking in a much more accurate manner. This feature is automatic in nature and comes in handy when you are looking for a feature like locating your car. This feature will definitely make the lives of a lot of people easy and convenient.