Free webspace through Google’s Google Sites negates the requirement of having to buy webspace domains in order to make money online.
Because Google Sites is a Google creation, the webmaster need not have to go through the rigmarole of verifying web pages and generating Sitemaps, because this will have been automatically done by Google.
Free Web Hosting Service
Furthermore, the benefits of using Google Sites takes the headache from having to create and format Adsense codes onto web pages and having to go back and check how the code has affected the appearance of the web page.
Creating Adsense codes is much easier and requires but a click or two. The webmaster can also feel reasonably assured that his hard work will not vanish with this huge service provider, as has happened with some providers in the past.
Making Adsense Earnings Through Google Sites
In order to make earnings from Google Sites, one must first create an account with Google, an Adsense account and a Google Sites account. Google website analytics is a useful tool for those wishing to view the traffic and the average length of time each visitor remains on each Google Site web page.
Features that Google Sites Offer
- A wide choice of themes, colours and fonts
- A privacy button for those wishing their site to be viewed by select users, such as a school or business (note, the Adsense program cannot be enabled if the privacy button is selected)
- Ability to use the Adsense program with ease
- Automatic verification of website and generation of Sitemap
- A supportive forum
- Updates and upgrades
- Ability to edit the appearance of the sidebar menu and submenus
- Simple insertion of multimedia rich content such as images, spreadsheets and videos as well as a choice of gadgets
Making Higher Search Engine Ranking
As with any URL that begins with the provider’s suffix, in this case, followed by the username, Google search ranking is likely to be within the “supplemental pages” of Google’s indexing, and also, like any other site, will take a while to be indexed by Google.
However with effective use of SEO keywords and by promoting the site with contextual inbound links, as well as a blog, the Google Site webmaster may attract more visitors and therefore more ad clicks, and all for nothing.
Creating Free Domains
The beginner will need to navigate through Google’s tutorials to get a grip with how to proceed with creating a Google Site domain. However, the webmaster may note various limitations on what he can do with the Google Sites page, as the HTML code cannot be edited.
Earn Money on the Internet with Google Sites
Google Sites offers free web hosting service for creating team websites that offers many great features including themes and ease of using Adsense. With strategic use of the Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool along with a blog, inbound links and interesting content, the webmaster may make a reasonable living creating interesting and eye catching content without having to part with a penny.
Pros and Cons of AdSense
Like several other services, Google did buy the basic idea of this new advertising system from a small company. According to the direct financial profits for all parties involved in the advertising system, the so-called AdSense was rapidly spread across the internet.
In fact, no other idea has affected the entire internet as AdSense did. In addition to the direct influence of AdSense, the brilliant idea caused the formation of numerous similar companies devoted to online advertising systems.
Among possible methods of online advertising, AdSense mainly utilizes CPC, which stands for Cost Per Click. This is indeed the brilliant idea of AdSense, and the main reason for its popularity, as even small websites can easily earn revenue.
Pros of Google AdSense
Google AdSense has many virtues, of which the following are the most prevalent.
Advertisement: Google AdSense provided an easy and effective framework for online advertising, and the internet really needed this advancement. By the development of internet, the demand for online advertising was extremely increased.
Selling the ad spaces through direct contracts or advertising companies was only applicable for famous websites (with a constant source of traffic); whereas, many websites had random visitors from search engines or even low-traffic websites with potential visitors (according to their specialized contents). This situation indeed hindered the real potential of cyberspace for online advertising.
Revenue: The success of online advertising system of AdSense results in a strong flow of money through internet just like roulette bonus. Many advertisers were successful to promote their sales through the visitors sent by AdSense; thus, put more money in this business. On the other hand, the publishers earned lots of money through their websites; then, developed their websites in favor of the visitors (who are the source of revenue for them). This mutual benefit significantly developed the applicability of internet.
Ease of Use: Contrary to the classic online advertising for putting the relevant ad on every single webpage, AdSense automatically analyze the page content through a real-time keyword analysis to display the relevant ads on every pages.
Internet Development: As quoted, the internet was rapidly grown with the aid of this flow of money. A part of this development was the entrance of new publishers to catch something from this extreme flow of money. Thus, new websites based on new ideas were launched, as attracting the visitors needs some novel materials. Different free and usefulness services were provided to the visitors over the internet. On the other hand, the availability of unlimited useful materials and services in the internet attracted new visitors to the internet community.
Cons of Google AdSense
Some of the cons of Google AdSense are as follows:
Internet Mess: The possibility for making money easily via online advertising persuade many amateur webmasters to launch phony websites, merely for the sake of online revenue. As a result, the internet is now an enormous collection of useless websites, which significantly waste the user time. In other words, rather than finding relevant webpages, the users need to find most reliable and useful sources.
Since a website contains many pages (at least hundreds of pages for a small website; and on the other hand, more pages increase the chance of more visitors from search engines), webmasters duplicate the content available on the internet. This duplication forced the major search engines (including Google) to advance their crawling algorithms to avoid and even punish such duplicated contents. This remedy resolved this problem partially, but not completely.
Google AdSense, and subsequent advertising systems (based on the CPC idea), are indeed responsible for the present messy environment of the internet, though one may think that this mess was inevitable and would happen sooner or later.
Publishers Advertisement: Since Google AdSense works with websites rather than companies, one can advertize any link. Thus, many publishers also advertise on the AdSense. For instance, one sees a desirable product with a reasonable price on the Ads by Google, but instead of redirecting to the seller page, the link leads to a third-party page showing a referral link to buy that product. This tunnel is frustrating, and many people get lost in this complicated way.